What is algebra? In simple words about a complex science

Algebra is not a separate science, but a branch of mathematics. In it, we study operations on quantities. That is, every student will have to perform various calculations, transformations over numbers and variables. What is algebra in simple terms? Imagine arithmetic, where given, for example, fractions. These fractions must be added together. How to do this suggests a certain rule: bring them to a common denominator, then you need to do the calculation.

You can also give an example with simple problems about apples gathered and eaten (how many were and how many are left). But algebra is more complicated than arithmetic.

What topics relate to algebra
Let’s look at what problems algebra solves:

determining values of quantities;
solving equations;
working with fractions, numbers, and integer expressions;
constructing graphs;
finding unknown variables;
proving theorems;
solving inequalities;
transformation of expressions;
finding derivatives, integrals.

This section of mathematics is quite complex. Since ancient times, famous scientists have been creating laws, formulas, and theorems based on their life experiences. Not without reason mathematics is considered not just an exact science, but a mystical one.

Why do we need it
Algebra is the search for a solution and analysis of this or that problem. Let’s say we need to solve brackets in some equation, then solve it. We find the value of the unknown variable “x” (X). To check if the problem is solved correctly, solve the equation another way: do not open the parentheses, and solve each expression separately. This is how you find the roots of the equation, which should have the same values as when you open the parentheses.

So why do we need algebra? It teaches logical thinking, requires training of memory, attention. People with an analytical mindset are most often excellent at science. Algebra is needed for those who are going to enter technical and economic universities.

It may also come in handy in life. For example, to determine in a store, at what price and in what amount it is more profitable to take the goods. It is necessary to make mental calculations. In addition, often we have to count the percentages and translate them into numbers. Let’s say the income tax is 13%. How much money will be handed out can be easily calculated.

What sciences apply algebra
You and I have figured out what algebra is and how it can be useful. Now let’s take a look at which sciences do not do without it.

Recall that it is not an independent discipline, but only a section of mathematics. And mathematics is divided into arithmetic (studied in junior high school) and geometry (studied in high school). Why are they interrelated? The fact is that arithmetic is very simple calculations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. This will all come in handy in further schooling.

As for geometry, it studies spatial structures. That is, it is about different calculations in figures, lines, in spatial bodies.

Without algebra, you can’t exist:

computer science;

Even some of the humanities are not without it, such as sociology.

How to master it successfully
Unfortunately, algebra is a very difficult subject, indeed, as well as mathematics in general. That’s why you need to take your studies seriously. From the first days of its study (arithmetic begins in the 1st grade) you need to start mastering every lesson, memorize by heart everything that is necessary. If you miss something, you may have trouble learning new material in the future.

Mathematics – a kind of chain of links: it starts with a simple and ends with a complex. And so gradually. So it is important not to skip any material. It is better to check yourself a few times, to consolidate the studied topic.

Further, in the study of algebra should constantly train your memory. It is necessary to memorize the various rules and properties. For example, it is necessary to learn that when opening parentheses, signs are taken into account: “minus for minus gives plus” and “plus for minus always gives minus” (when multiplying). This way, the student will solve the problem correctly, and he/she will not have any problems in the future, especially if he/she plans to go to a technical university.