The Exact Sciences as a Concept for the Development of Society and Individuals

We all already know that the exact sciences or subjects include such subjects as mathematics, physics and chemistry, as well as many other subjects related to specific computational processes and finding results.

Then let’s think together and discuss the importance of accuracy and specificity in our modern society and certainly in everyday life. Let’s think about the fact that we often look at our watches waiting for something and want everything to be on time, in time for the bus, in time to do something and so on, but we do not think about the fact that everything can have its reasons and these reasons are associated with the accuracy of performance mode and correct technical operation, in other words the compatibility of these activities, physics can explain the technical side, and calculate and clarify

We work with diagrams, functions and relations of different variables in our life all the time, currency rates change, so do all the other factors, like labor cost, production cost or production cost, and how to make this more precise, we have to use mathematics and benchmarking.

We need mathematics in everyday life, to correctly calculate costs and revenues, even your own home is also necessary to know how to do it. Often we have to bear extra costs for the reason that poorly or poorly calculate their capabilities and do not predict the outcome, and remembering that the mathematical model allows all calculate and even with a certain probability (probability theory), we can avoid unpleasant consequences.

Geometry as a science about the structure and mutual location of figures on the plane, explains us the measurement accuracy of structures and materials, which allows us to create any accurate building or construction project, to evaluate the costs of materials and try to optimize our costs, or to achieve perfection in the positioning of any project, its distinctive features of construction.

Chemistry, for example, will tell us more about the structure of a substance and help us make a qualitative assessment of the substance and its condition, to draw conclusions about its condition and the quality of the product, to know its properties, and thus understand the limits of its use and application.

Knowledge of electrical engineering and materials will help to make a qualitative assessment of the costs of equipment and the possibility of limiting its operation, to understand the property of electric current transmission, as well as to take all safety measures at electrical installations and to exclude the possibility of electric shock.

As for physics, and physics is first of all a science of nature, a man lives in this environment and does not notice often and does not give himself credit that the same Newton’s law – force of action is equal to counteraction, commits many mistakes, which affect both his health and surrounding ecology and the whole society.

Technogenic disasters, as well as misuse and improper constructive solutions lead to environmental pollution and climate change, and after all, all this could be avoided if humanity had more knowledge and skills is in the exact sciences.

Therefore, I appeal to everyone who wants to be useful in society and to be established as a person, to have his own point of view and to be an intellectual, living in harmony with himself and with the environment – study the exact sciences as diligently as possible and apply the knowledge for the benefit of the harmonious development of society and technology, in harmony with the nature around us!